

Daniela Mineva

Daniela Mineva Hailed by critics as a “vibrant and expressive performer who could steal the show in every concert” (The New York Times) and “energetic and lively pianist who displaces power and delicacy in nuanced sensitivity along with virtuoso technique” (The Baltimore Sun), Daniela Mineva’s unique approach to standard repertory, combined

Melvin Chen

Melvin Chen A native of Tennessee, Dr. Melvin Chen has received acclaim for solo and chamber performances throughout the United States, Canada, and Asia. Chen’s performances have been featured on radio and television stations around the world, including KBS television and radio in Korea, NHK television in Japan, and NPR in the

Samir Nikocevic

Samir Nikocevic A classically trained pianist and artist manager, Samir Nikocevic maintains an ever-growing network of relationships with musicians, orchestras, and presenters in both the United States and Europe, and enjoys identifying opportunities for professional advancement and artistic exchange in all formats. He received his degree from the Music Academy at

Paolo Baglieri

Paolo Baglieri Paolo Baglieri has brilliantly obtained the diploma of piano at the Conservatory "V. Bellini" of Catania. He continued his studies at the "Codarts - University of Arts" in Rotterdam and at the "Schola Cantorum" in Paris, concluding his studies with top marks. He obtained a second level degree in musical disciplines

Yaron Kohlberg

Yaron Kohlberg Steinway artist Yaron Kohlberg, born in Jerusalem, is the President of Piano Cleveland, presenter of the Cleveland International Piano Competition in which he won the Silver Medal in 2007. He is one of today’s top Israeli pianists and has played as soloist and chamber musician in major halls in

Golda Vainberg-Tatz

Golda Vainberg-Tatz "A pianist with wonderful firm, clear touch” (The New York Times) … …“fascinating interpreter" (Tagblat, Germany), “artist of depth and virtuosity” (The Time Argus, USA). Golda Vainberg-Tatz has performed with the Moscow Chamber Orchestra (the Tchaikovsky Grand Hall in Moscow), Shanghai Symphony, Lithuanian National Symphony, Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, St. Kristoforas

Meng-Chieh Liu

Meng-Chieh Liu A recipient of the 2002 Avery Fisher Career Grant, Meng-Chieh Liu first made headlines in 1993 as a 21-year-old student, when he substituted for André Watts at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia with three hours' notice. His acclaimed performance was followed by a number of widely praised appearances, including

Enrica Ciccarelli

Enrica Ciccarelli Enrica Ciccarelli is a pianist, teacher, and Artistic Director of Fondazione La Società dei Concerti in Milano. Following her debut in 1992 at the Salle Gaveau in Paris, Enrica Ciccarelli has performed with important European, Asian, and American orchestras, and she worked with numerous international musicians, including Salvatore Accardo, Pavel